FarmZ - HyperDeflationary & Rewards Token

Thе FаrmZ іѕ a HуреrDеflаtіоnаrу аnd Rеwаrdѕ token thаt рrоvіdеѕ ѕtаtіс rеwаrdѕ іn BNB, BUSD, CAKE аnd FarmZ Tоkеn bу ѕіmрlу hоldіng FаrmZ оn уоur wаllеt., Addіtіоnаllу, 2% оf аll transaction аrе burnеd.
Farmz Mission
Farmz Is a crypto currency project that want to attract and capture those people who are like minded and are trader investors and stakers. When Like minded people get attracted by same goals than it could be a future.
Actually Farmz want to attract and capture those people who are to invest in crypto and eatle Thier crypto to get future rewards. Actually in Farmz you can stake their token and will receive a chunk of money by satking this.
When we satke a crypto and they receive holding rewards and also a fee cut of 2% per transaction either buying and selling. And that's good for loarge investors and jt will boost thier token to a next level.
Hyperdeflation occurs when the purchasing power of currency rises drastically in a relatively short period of time. This increase results in debts being more pronounced, as the real value of goods and services increases and the value of the currency falls. If hyperdeflation were to occur, it would have severe economic consequences as people would forgo making a purchase today when they know it will be much cheaper to buy it tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after—and so spending and investment will grind to a halt. this hyperdeflation is a very large and occurs rarely. But when a crypto project is so much with that's good potential than it could be a future.
How it works
Buy FarmZ: Join our limited presale and airdrop opportunity. Get FarmZ token are greater discounts.
Hold FarmZ: Hold your FarmZ token on your metamask,Trustwallet or any BEP20 compatible wallet to ensure you will receive reflection rewards.
Check Wallet: Watch your BNB, BUSD, CAKE & FarmZ balance grows as more transaction occurs in our pancakeswap pair.
Why FarmZ?
FarmZ will offer unique earnings experience that will offer multiple reflection rewards by simply holding FarmZ token. Using smart contract we will be able to automate the rewards or reflection rewards distribution to all our holders.
Presale Token Metrics
- Token Name: FarmX
- Token Symbol: FarmX
- Token Decimal: 18
- Network: Binance Smart Chain
- Contract Address: 0x98f3397E3Fe756EB2Bd4A19b4527fcd7E1D8EE22
- Main Token Metrics
- Token Name: FarmZ
- Token Symbol: FarmZ
- Token Decimal: 8
- Network: Binance Smart Chain
- Contract Address: To be announced….
Buy FarmZ with a minimum of 0.01 = 15 FarmX with maximum of 10 BNB = 15,000 FarmX
Claim free FarmX and get a chance to earn 0.001 BNB for every referral you bring using your referral link.
FarmX to FarmZ swap
By January 17, 2022 - all FarmX will be swapped to FarmZ automatically, All holders don’t need to do anything to swap their FarmX to FarmZ, Balance snap shot will be done on january 17, 2022 10:00 PM UTC.

- Website launch
- Starts of presale & airdrop
- Social media creation
- Social media marketing
- 500 telegram members
- 500 Twitter Followers
- 1000 FarmX holders
- Presale Ends
- Airdrop Ends
- Pancakeswap listing
- Trading starts
- Coinmarketcap Listing
- Coingecko Listing
- $100,000 marketcap
- 2500 telegram members
- 2500 Twitter Followers
- 10000 FarmX holders
- $1,000,000 marketcap
- Website:
- Lightpaper V1.0:
- Twitter:
- Telegram Group:
- Telegram News:
Profile :;u=2712533
BSC Wallet Address: 0xbbf45879ACDe58E653BdF0422e873Ebf03aDc491
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