Nafty is a multibillion dollar mature industry

Nafty is The Grown-up token! Welcome to the $97 billion industryNafty is the token for the adult industry and especially for the content creators and consumers, who generate billions of dollars

What is Nafty?

Nafty is the token for the grown-up industry and particularly for the substance makers and shoppers, who create billions of dollars

Nafty gives the force back to grown-up content makers and purchasers, and to our local area that upholds them

Nafty is here to address the 3 major issues in the grown-up industry:
  1. Center man - the makers, offices and stages (like OnlyFans) take an enormous % from the makers. Our symbolic arrangement and stages will cut those - agents expenses and give the maker more motivating force to deliver content.
  2. Installment arrangements – since most of installment arrangements boycott the grown-up industry, where others utilize this shortcoming to charge the makers enormous expenses, we will cut those expenses by utilizing blockchain innovation and our token.
  3. Marketing – while major social media sites and traffic sources ban adult content and promotions, we provide creators the ability to promote themselves and grow their fan base by shoutout management inside the platform (between the creators) and affiliate programs to attract traffic and fans from other external sources.
They are currently collaborating with notable models and experts who are remembering their substance for our establishment.

We Make Worth!

Here is the thing that makes us not the same as the rest

We have the item prepared!

Regularly there is an underlying Symbolic contribution and afterward perhaps an item. We fabricated the items first and presently we're offering the token.

Tackling genuine issues

We thought of an answer for work on the $97 billion grown-up industry by cutting the agents, cutting the charges and adding the makers the capacity to advance themselves.

Value for Holders

Nafty’s concept generates automatic passive income for its holders. Every transaction on the token has a fee, which gets half redistributed to holders to increase their token holdings and half gets burned to increase the token value.

An incentive for Holders

Nafty's idea creates programmed easy revenue for its holders. Each exchange on the token has a charge, which gets half reallocated to holders to build their symbolic possessions and half gets scorched to expand the symbolic worth.

Timing is everything

In the previous years, we've seen an unrest in the grown-up industry with the crypto tokens and the NFT pattern (OnlyFans made more than $2B in one year and continues to develop). Nafty exemplifies those chances and unions them.

Utility for Holders

Nafty as the cash on our NSFW stages energizes more exchanges. Nafty can be utilized for tipping, buying content and advancement on the entirety of our foundation. The more exchanges there are, the more rewards we provide for the holders.


We have fabricate - assembled an incredible group of specialists, with long periods of involvement with innovation and the grown-up industry, who will make the move to in a general sense change how it is working to assist makers, local area and shoppers. Our group is intelligent and straightforward with token holders and consistently prepared to help and serve our local area.

Nafty team is made out of professional and experienced people in the area of the adults, crypto and technology.

We are now teaming up with well known models and specialists who are including their substance on our foundation.

For more info:
Bsc Wallet : 0xbbf45879ACDe58E653BdF0422e873Ebf03aDc491


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