QI Blockchain - One of the most advanced Blockchain in the world
Bitcoin is now recognized as the cheapest, fastest and most reliable way to transfer economic value to the Internet in the same form. Although this is a short fork between incompatible versions as of March 2013, the Bitcoin network has been operating continuously and without problems for over 5 years. Despite the loss and the theft of private bitcoins, the network itself was never successfully attacked or blocked. While there are many benefits of Bitcoin technology, it is far from achieving general acceptance from consumers or commercial reception. Given the current trend of transaction volume, growth is slow. Bitcoin usage shows no signs of changing in the future. This happened without the availability of many easy-to-use bitcoin wallets and the fact that bitcoins can now be used online for many mainstream companies such as Microsoft, Dell and Overstock. Why QI? Qi is a decentralized POW (Proof of work) blockchain with an application native currency that leverages the functionality to...